A letter for the future generation of girls.

Carrie Silver
3 min readJul 5, 2020

If I could sum up a couple of things that I wish the future generation of girls could learn from us, it would be this:

I would tell them that it is okay to discover yourself before you are with anyone else.

Society has drilled into our brains, all the ways that it is that will make us happy — especially men. And yes, I love men and I think that they do have the potential to make us really happy in ourselves. But what I would want you to know first, is that it is okay for you to explore and come into yourself first, before you let a man make you happy. It’s okay to find your freedom first, and all the things that you value in the world. In fact, I think that when you take the time to do this for yourself, you’ll see that your future relationships have the potential to be even better.

I would tell you that it’s okay to not have all the answers.

It’s very common for us to think that we have to have a solution to everything. It’s very common for us to woman to think that we need to have every step figured out that is a part of the plan. I am here to tell you that you don't need that. In fact, if you can learn to let go of some of the answers, you might find yourself on another glorious ride — one that you would have never even known that you could be a part on. A ride and an adventure of a lifetime.

It is okay if you are emotional, it’s okay if you are sensitive.

As women, we feel, and some of us, feel more than others. Just know that this is okay. It’s more than okay, it’s amazing. It's your strength — this ability to feel. When you feel, you are living, truly living the experience of being a woman, in that glorious body of yours, in this precious thing that we get to call life. And if you can’t feel yet, either, thats ok too. Remember you can always trust that no matter where you are on the path of becoming a woman, you are perfect where you are.

I would tell you that you don't need to do it on your own.

I want you to know that you don't have to ever do it on your own. You may feel that you need to be independent and that you need to prove yourself to society, that you can do it all on your own. That’s great to find that independent nature — a lot of us women have found that too. But there will be times, where it gets rough and it gets challenging, it gets hopeless — and you don't have to do that part of the journey alone. There are countless of people who want to help you and support you. You are not weak if you ask for help. In fact, asking for help is a strength. It’s telling others that I am courageous enough to know that this is beyond my limits, and I need support. Not many people can do that, so it makes you unique and it makes you courageous.

And lastly, I would tell you, that follow the path that feels true for you.

Know, that there will be many people who will tell you, what the right path for you is. Many of them will come from a place of love, and a place of wanting the best for you, but YOU darling, know what is best for you. So learn to listen to that voice, that tells you what is best for you. Listen to your body as wisdom. Let her tell you what the next step is on the path. And take those next steps. If it gets scary (which sometimes it will), remember that the woman before you, have had to make those same choices and we’re all in this together. And again, if it feels too hard for you, reach out to a mentor, a friend, or someone who can support you through that next step. Always remember, to trust yourself. Trust your choices. No matter how big or how small they are.

And that’s all that I would tell you.

You’re gonna rock it.

A big hug to you!




Carrie Silver

Writer. Pleasure Seeker. Lover for Fashion & Travel.