Lessons learned from Quarantine: Part Two

Carrie Silver
3 min readJun 14, 2020

I am back now. For a two-part series of my stay in quarantine.

I didn’t necessarily feel that this would turn into a two-part series. But the quarantine is lasting a lot longer than I would have expected it and causing more of an emotional toll on me, so here I am back with the second part.

With life being in slower motion, it’s created more space to reflect on things.

So, here are some of the I have learned from the state of quarantine.

  1. Connecting with People was a huge part of my life.

The hardest thing that I have has been finding ways to connect with people. And I am not just talking about the everyday chit chat, but I am talking about real connection. Before quarantine, when I was feeling sad, or lonely, I could just call up a friend and ask her to get a coffee with me. These days, I am 100000 of miles from some of my closest friends, and cannot do the same as that. These days, it requires planning a Zoom chat and making scheduled dates with some friends. I’ve learned how much I really miss this in-person deep connection with people. And after quarantine, I really will cherish this part of my life.

2. Everyone really copes differently and it’s okay how you choose to cope.

Personally, I have been emotionally tested during this quarantine. Some days, I feel immense gratitude and hope, and other days I feel sad and angry as hell that my life isn’t the way that I used to be. Instead of fighting the sadness and anger though, I’ve been learning to surrender to it. I’ve let myself feel all my feelings. Some days, that means, I am in bed until 12pm crying and looking at pictures from my home abroad. Other days, it means staying on the phone with some of my friends abroad for an hour talking about things. However, what I have learned, is that the way that you and I choose to cope, it’s okay. None of us have ever been in this situation before, and we must find ways to do what’s best for us.

3. Creating professional boundaries is extremely important and healthy.

Because most of the day is now spent on the computer, I’ve had to put some quite strict boundaries on my workdays. Before, I would have just let myself work after hours because I knew that I wouldn’t be on my computer for the rest of the time. These days, it’s a bit different. After 6 pm, I try and not use the computer for the rest of the evening. On the weekends as well, I try and limit my screen time. Because I really need separation.

When all of life is on the computer these days, it’s hard to remember that there is nature, and air, and flowers that are present to us at this moment.

So for me, boundaries are the best way to keep this balance between the two.

4. Food is the source of connection.

Most days, I’m finding that the highlight of my day is mealtimes. Breakfast times are filled with my favorite granola, and lunch and dinner are filled with some new creative meals that my sister and I have been working up.

It’s really nice to have this constant in my life where I have something that I can enjoy.

With more time, my family has also found more time to get together and eat a meal together.

Growing up, I had a poor relationship to food. It has been good to create a new one with it, that is filled with gratitude, joy and people around my mealtimes.

5. Everything in life will pass.

Everything in life is transient and passing. It’s just like nature — the seasons pass, the moon cycle changes, each day is extremely different from the next. Because of that, I have found comfort in knowing that there is a day that this too will pass. Maybe life won't look the same as before, but we will go back to a time where people are traveling again, laughing over lunch, and getting a coffee from their favorite coffee shop. It will pass. So for me, it's better to enjoy the present and what I have now, knowing that this experience will pass.

So those are my lessons again from the quarantine. I hope that it has provided you with some inspiration, insights, reassurance — whatever it is that you need in this moment.

Big hugs,




Carrie Silver

Writer. Pleasure Seeker. Lover for Fashion & Travel.